..in space everyone hears you screaming over your helmet mic.................................................. Consider your colleagues and MUTE output when you are in a tight spot.
Tuesday, 16 November 2021
Sunday, 14 November 2021
The gaming table for Roid Rats is modular and easy to make. Any figures can be used up to 54mm. I have 40mm Russian figures.
Polystyrene with a sealing-protective coat of paint mixed with PVA is the basic material.
Figures are not fully painted. Red are Roid Rats, Blue are MOS and Trogs are green.
Friday, 12 November 2021
The Roid Rats soon discovered they needed protection against the Trogs. The usual cheap answer from DF was to form the Marines of Space.
Marines of Space are a mercenary outfit comprising various misfits unabe to find employment elsewhere.
They are equipped with the standard DF range of almost obsolete or re-purposed gear.
However limited they are, MOS are the front fighters in the continual struggle to keep Trogs away from the precious Viridian.
The Trogs have a very plastic set of genes but there are four main castes. The top caste seem to control the others - with pheromones or ultrasound maybe, we do not yet know what. These are called 'Minders' by the Roid Rats and are fearsome opponents at close quarters.
Trog Minder attacks |
Much larger than other Trogs, the Minders are often equipped with crab-claws, a massive bite and added tentacles or talons. Despite the threat they present the MOS know it is worth getting among the Trogs to eliminate these to make any encounter less bloody.