FURNITURE is what we will call all items set out on tiles for the game.
LOOSE ITEMS can be moved around by characters during the game.
FIXED ITEMS are part of the ship's structure and cannot be moved.
DOORLOCKS are fixed features but they can open and close.
DOORLOCKS : are the automatically operating door-cum-airlocks which allow movement through bulkheads between the ship's modules/tiles.
The models should provide secure support for a removeable door. The door is removed when it is open, replaced when closed again. Doors should have a control panel indicated on the left or right side of the opening. This should be consistent foro all your doors. You could choose to have control panels on both sides but i choose to make life difficult for the wretched Verms :)
There are two sizes of door. A narrow type leading into non-cargo modules and a wider type used between cargo bays.
CONSTRUCTION is based on ignoring the walls and just making door pillars to support the closed door. I used remnants of stiff foam from my tiles for the pillars. They need to stand on a base which can be decorated with hazard indications and at the ends as the other bulkhead lines.
The removable doors are card or plasticard. Do not leave them blank ! Decorate them with signs, bloodstained remnants of a fight or with tubes, boxes etc to indicate functional elements.
I would like to see alternative suggestion for how a doorlock should look whilst still being easy to make.
You need to make a dozen or so of each type to give you as much flexibility as possible with your set of 16 tiles. You will discover when you do not have enough. OR just build ships to fit your supply of structural elements.
FIXED FEATURES represent partial bulkheads, machines, ducts etc that cross a module.
The detail may be important in some scenarios but generally they can be successfully represented by plain blocks. CHEAPNIS is a key factor here. One can buy elaborate printed materials or plastic formed items which will do the job. But they cost. One can use time to decorate the blocks but the quickest most effective approach is plain blocks.
Fixed features come in two varieties. FULL HEIGHT or LOW.
FULL HEIGHT run deck to ceiling and cannot be crossed. They are marked by painting the upper surface black.
LOW features can be clambered over and seen over and shot over. Make them max half a man high.
Materials must be CHEAP and USEABLE and DURABLE.
I used common white insulating flamingo/polystyrene. More expensive high density polyfoam comes in blue and purple and is easier to work with and more durable. Blocks 90mm by 85cm by 120cm cost about 3£/$. Only 1 is needed.
Mark out a series of blocks and shapes and then cut them out from the slabs with a hot wire or carefully with a saw.
The blocks should be in units to stan din your grid units !! Take care with this. Some should take up just half a swaure in places. Make none triangular, only square or you just make problems and brainache for your self.
Round all edges with a quick tour of medium sandpaper. OUTSIDE !
Using normal polystyrene, you should now give them a layer of sealant to make them more durable and allow paint to adhere. I use painter's base-coats or UNWATERED PVA glue or PVA_PAINT mixture. Once this has dried you can apply the final colour you want. GREY.
Final trick ! Polystyrene is light. Blocks might be easily displaced. One way to reduce this problem is to get all your old nails and screws an dbolts etc. and push them up into the base of the blocks. This adds weight and the metal is hidden away. Paint glue in the holes in the base to ensure they do not fall back out.
I would love to see the results if a gifted interior designer does a job on a spaceship.
LOCKERS are moveable from scenario to scenario but always turn up in the corners of modules. You need a locker marker and something to represent what is found in them. - a counter at least. I use a triangular locker to take up less space. You could have the locker as a single FULLHEIGHT block anywhere on the tiles.
Special Items in Specific Missions
LOOSE ITEMS can be moved around by characters during the game.
FIXED ITEMS are part of the ship's structure and cannot be moved.
DOORLOCKS are fixed features but they can open and close.
DOORLOCKS : are the automatically operating door-cum-airlocks which allow movement through bulkheads between the ship's modules/tiles.
The models should provide secure support for a removeable door. The door is removed when it is open, replaced when closed again. Doors should have a control panel indicated on the left or right side of the opening. This should be consistent foro all your doors. You could choose to have control panels on both sides but i choose to make life difficult for the wretched Verms :)
There are two sizes of door. A narrow type leading into non-cargo modules and a wider type used between cargo bays.
CONSTRUCTION is based on ignoring the walls and just making door pillars to support the closed door. I used remnants of stiff foam from my tiles for the pillars. They need to stand on a base which can be decorated with hazard indications and at the ends as the other bulkhead lines.
The removable doors are card or plasticard. Do not leave them blank ! Decorate them with signs, bloodstained remnants of a fight or with tubes, boxes etc to indicate functional elements.
I would like to see alternative suggestion for how a doorlock should look whilst still being easy to make.
You need to make a dozen or so of each type to give you as much flexibility as possible with your set of 16 tiles. You will discover when you do not have enough. OR just build ships to fit your supply of structural elements.
FIXED FEATURES represent partial bulkheads, machines, ducts etc that cross a module.
The detail may be important in some scenarios but generally they can be successfully represented by plain blocks. CHEAPNIS is a key factor here. One can buy elaborate printed materials or plastic formed items which will do the job. But they cost. One can use time to decorate the blocks but the quickest most effective approach is plain blocks.
Fixed features come in two varieties. FULL HEIGHT or LOW.
FULL HEIGHT run deck to ceiling and cannot be crossed. They are marked by painting the upper surface black.
LOW features can be clambered over and seen over and shot over. Make them max half a man high.
Materials must be CHEAP and USEABLE and DURABLE.
I used common white insulating flamingo/polystyrene. More expensive high density polyfoam comes in blue and purple and is easier to work with and more durable. Blocks 90mm by 85cm by 120cm cost about 3£/$. Only 1 is needed.
Mark out a series of blocks and shapes and then cut them out from the slabs with a hot wire or carefully with a saw.
The blocks should be in units to stan din your grid units !! Take care with this. Some should take up just half a swaure in places. Make none triangular, only square or you just make problems and brainache for your self.
Round all edges with a quick tour of medium sandpaper. OUTSIDE !
Using normal polystyrene, you should now give them a layer of sealant to make them more durable and allow paint to adhere. I use painter's base-coats or UNWATERED PVA glue or PVA_PAINT mixture. Once this has dried you can apply the final colour you want. GREY.
Final trick ! Polystyrene is light. Blocks might be easily displaced. One way to reduce this problem is to get all your old nails and screws an dbolts etc. and push them up into the base of the blocks. This adds weight and the metal is hidden away. Paint glue in the holes in the base to ensure they do not fall back out.
I would love to see the results if a gifted interior designer does a job on a spaceship.
LOCKERS are moveable from scenario to scenario but always turn up in the corners of modules. You need a locker marker and something to represent what is found in them. - a counter at least. I use a triangular locker to take up less space. You could have the locker as a single FULLHEIGHT block anywhere on the tiles.
Special Items in Specific Missions
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