Saturday, 26 May 2018


My spaceship - the arena for my games - is modular. It is made up of elements similar in size but varying in their function. Reorganizing the type and number of element gives a new spaceship.
From the rules..

DU©K! Action takes place on abandoned spaceships. The crews of these ships have been killed, have fled or remain holed-up somewhere in the hull. Verminators are sent by DF Pest Control Division to clean-out the ships so they can be put back into commission.

In the DF galaxy there are no Death Stars or Hyperdrives or Behemoth size vessels. The ships are built economically. One corporation, Deep Freight, has a totopoly on space travel and this means the designs are standardised. Wealthy people do not emigrate or choose to spend a chunk of their life in uncertain cryo-sleep. Speeding round the interstellar vastness in a red Mazerati is dull when the nearest audience is a few parsecs away. The poor and the dispossesed do not give a fig about the steel coffin they are sent off-world in. It should just get them to the promised land. Thus, dull spaceships.

Also, to date, no technologically capable life forms have been encountered. Alien spaceships do not exist in-DU©K!


All ships are constructed from modules which have a specific function. Not all ships have all modules. All ships must have a Bridge Module , Propulsion Module and Engineering Module.
Table 1 list the modules available.

It is possible for large ships to have more than 1 module of each type. For example, to accommodate a large crew, give extra cargo space etc. The basic ships have 1 module of each type other than CARGO and PROPULSION.

Ships for different roles in the DF Galaxy are grouped into classes. Table 2 lists the characteristics of each class.


Why are all the modules the same size ?
The game concept is to be cheap and easy and fun as well as a reasonablerepresentation of a Sci Fi universe. The use of identical square tiles allows for a flexible game terrain system.

Why only 1 module of most types ?
A big ship takes time to explore. It is possible to construct large ships if you have the space and time but the basic concept does not need that. Enough challenge exists with a dozen or so modules.
Exploring RAMA would take more then an evening and be mostly boring.

Where are the corridors ?
Corridors take space and cost money. Space exploration in the DF Galaxy is done economically. Unused space is a waste of money. Additionally, the D&D default tactic of lurking in corridors between episodes of action in isolated rooms is one not to be emulated. Practically speaking, corridors have an economic impact on the gamer’s pocket (more walls, more doors), the length of time to play a game, and work counter to the basic modular terrain concept. Ergo, no corridors on basic spaceship designs.

Are the ships really so square on the outside ?
You can take the modular system to be partially conceptual and allow for smoother external forms for your ships. But, this does not matter in relation to travel in a vacuum or the aesthetics of ship appearance. DF is a money-making concern and bolting cubes together with a basic paint job is entirely consistent with their operational strategy.


Interior decorating on a spaceship.

My acquisition of infinite plastic foamboard for no money has allowed me to develop the furnishings of my spaceships.
 Up to now I have used solid shapes of polystyrene as the 'furniture' inside the ship. All the fittings, machines, obstacles were represented by solid blocks. This works. It is cheap and easy and works.

 Now I have no excuse to replace this system with actual models of stuff. Even if I will not make true models but stylised items painted quickly with aerosol paint...they will be more models than blocks.

 The construction of items in foamboard has the drawback of revealing a section of the board at joined edges unless you use mitring.

This great blog on model construction contains many useful secrets.


A simple jig can be made as follows ....


Take a tour to your local megashops. They have a propensity to use massive placard signs which are often suspended so they hit my head as I walk round.
Such signs are worth getting hold of.

Many moons ago I got some from IKEA. I am still using them. But not as signage.

Check the composition of such signs. Some are corrugated cardboard, some are corrugated plastic.
But many are made of plasticard and foamboard. !!! Some are made of plastic foamboard!!!

Beg borrow or steal these sign, which are often large. Many models await within such signs!!!

Wednesday, 23 May 2018


Some nice Star Beetle robots.

They come in four varieties and stand 70 to 75mm high. Not quite matching up to 79 mm.

Each one has a cannon which really shoots a small missile on one arm and an 'appliance ' such as a chainsaw on the other.
MOLOCH has a massive hand grabber. ZORG has a chainsaw. LICAN has a ripsaw and GOLEM has a massive crab claw.

These will be converted to colonist workhorses such as lumberjack robots, mining robots and ground clearing robots. These can then stand ready in the cargo bay to be used or abused by desperate Verminators.
The cannon can become  other things. But they are nice to shoot around the place !

Creme de la creme

The SAS are without equals as unwanted guests. Airfix made a set of 1/32 figures without equal to celebrate them.

I never got this set as a kid. They came later when I had graduated to metal figures.

This set is just brilliant. The accuracy of the kit is good even if it is a bit sparse but the main thing is the sculpture and animation. The Japanese infantry and US infantry take some beating but these are the canine's gonads.
 I love the running man and the one firing from the hip. And the one kneeling to shoot. And the grenade lobber. All of them,,, not a dud. Even the standard lying down man is enhanced with binoculars. One static pose is waiting for the word..

Maybe they can be UNPROTECTED Verminators or maybe I set protection on them.

There is a fine mould line on many of them but that is only a quibble on figures such as these!

Tuesday, 22 May 2018


Fantastic vehicle lined up for conversion to a DF Excursion Mobile.
 A child's toy from Russia but I am over 3 so I can safely use it.
Based on the GAZ 71 or 340 series maybe?

Arrgh the Jabberwocks are attacking !

 On no! They have got into the cabin !

Wednesday, 16 May 2018


I have finally got round to focussing on the Verminators. I will also make posts about how to convert them from standard figures.

Here are the chaps ! A variety of converted army men.

 First, we have the basic 'Gunner'. Armed with a Heavy assault Rifle that has a grenade launcher.
Standing and crouching versions.

 The HEMG operators are usually big men to carry and fire this weapon. The back pack is a pneumatic counterbalance system. Many different types exist of this class of weapon.

 Here i sthe team leader who represents the player himself in 'Duck!'. And a chap who is communicating or operating a drone from his head-up display*.

 A key team-member is the Flamer. Another heavy weapon.
 The Flechette Cannon is usually known as the Shotgun. It blasts everything in its way - be careful to stand behind this weapon.
A nice group photo to finish. Including some prone men to represent those operatives sadly wounded or incapacitated by the vicious pests they deal with in an average day's work.
I present...The Verminators !

* Or ringing 7 to say he will be a little late for tea this evening.


Some of Teknolog's best figures are these 'alien invaders' . Earlier sets have a carveable soft plastic, later ones are a more brittle type.

The casting is clean and the sculpting very stylish and perfectly done. Yes, you guessed, I am going to marry a lizard-headed alien space invader*.

The set includes cards and a working cannon for use in the game the set was designed for.

*Don't worry 7 I am only kidding..


Cheap packs of toy soldiers have much to recommend them.

For a few EURO one can get loads of figures and a bunch of other stuff.

Avoid the inferior Chinese figures which ar both smaller and horrible. Though, they may hav emileage as a race of aliens?

I bought four different types of 'Army Men' to compare.


A varied pack with tanks and men in three colours plus objective flags.

 The men are smaller than TIMMEE or Airfix. But they are not badly formed. The plastic is poorer quality but ok. Prototypes are Airfix.

 The tanks may have some value as 'grav tanks' or 'hover tanks' or be converted to other types of grav or hover vehicles when the tracks are removed.
Th emen include a variety of poses but no heavy weapons.

A real variety - I bought three packs so it is a real pile of potential.

 Here is a military scrapyard including jets, helicopters, jeeps, trucks and tanks of two types.
 The vehicles could be converted to hover/grav vehicles. The tanks have little potential unless a lot of work is done on them. Helos may have a chance to be made into some kind of 'speeder/racer' jet bike thing.
 The men are smaller than Airfix or TIMMEE. They are remoulds of Airfix originals. The plastic is ok. The moulding is ok even if the modelling is degraded.
No heavy weapons.

More expensive. This bunch come with a bag like a giant tea-bag.
There are a variety of poses and weapons. Including flamers, bazookas and tripod machine guns.
The casting is not done well. Many figures have collapsed torsoes which happens as the plastic shrinks on cooling.- see the grenade thrower in foreground.
Again - smaller than Airfix or TIMMEE.


These are some of the original Army Men. A good 54mm 1/32 size. Nice animations and a variety of weapons. Copies can be got from AliExpress but not in the big sets. I got a set of 12 for 5 dollars or so.
I am jealous of US gamers who can get a lot of different sets from TIMMEE and BHC but these cost a great deal to get posted to Europe.

A mortar, mine-sweeper, bipod MG, bazooka and flamer are included. As is a nice officer and radio man.

All these sets have conversion potential for sci-fi figures. As I will show.

Tuesday, 8 May 2018


I am rapidly disappearing under material for 'Duck' or Deep Freight Pest Control.
Nothing has cost much money. Now I just need the time to put it together.

Here is a quick foto survey of what is in the pipeline.


The very lovely Airfix US infantry. Only the machine-gunner is a duff pose. Grease-gun -man and Running-with rifel-man and officer are just fantastic poses. My knife and glue-pot itch to get converting these to a team of Verminators.
 A box of army men. Not bad. Bit smaller than standard - see the Timmee copy kneeling shooting at left. Not sure if I will convert these, at least, not first in the queue.
 Now for more cream.. Mars Vietnam Marines. A bit larger than most army men but superlative poses and sculpting. No flash. Almost a crime to cut and glue them.
NOTE: I mixed the figure in the two Mars boxes for the fotos....oops.
 Mars Us infantry ditto as per Marines. Great potential.
 Some mean plastic dragons from China. Set of 12 different are available. Dollar each ! Just a paint job and we have a new alien pest species.
 Totally bloody useless. I hoped for armour that could be converted. Poor brittle figures. Next kid visiting gets them. Poor sod.
 Traditional Timmee type Army Men. Some other poses available.
OK, that was 7 fotos. Reminds me we need a break.

Much better, let's get on with the proceedings....

 Tabbynian Rice Weevils - see blog below
 When planetside violence gets underway we will need vehicles. This one is from Russia.

Some detailed kits can be used. These two from Trumpeter and Zvezda have great potential.

Reptilians in suits from Russia - need some work to convert to aliens or to a human armoured group.
 Ceratopian Pirates. Nearly finished.
 Cheapo scorpions from China. mmmmmm 
Polar Guards from Teknolog. Chunky and mean. Great for excursion on a cold planet or a ship with heating set on 'Low' ?
 Best Teknolog aliens - Chunky armour and ace faces. See blog entry below.
 Guardians - sinister guys from Teknolog. These will be the internal investigation police of DF...
 Arachnophobia. New paint job and spines ? eeeekk. Cheapo Chink stuff.
 Blood-sucking lichen. Veeeerry cheap.
 Teknolog Cyborgs - more like DF Verminators in full armour to me !
 My new door and wall system. Doors slide horizontally now and walls are all-round. Still cheap.