Monday, 18 June 2018

Duuh duuh duddud dud duh duuuh dud dud dud duuuuh...


I suppose it had to happen that my game lent itself to a Gender Wars variant. I got hold of some of the various sets of 54mm SW figures available. I got them from Amazon, looking carefully for cheap offers. Otherwise these sets can be a bit pricey. I got some second hand sets. I think there are something like 15 different sets available, of varying size. The variety and conten tof these packs is a little bewildering and it takes some research to be sure of what you are getting...! I got these ones....
The sets include figures, models of vehicles and spaceships and stands for the models as well as little pull-back-and-go bases for the stands. I got 33 figures out of these 3 sets.

The figures are perfect 54mm scale. The modelling is very fine and proportions really nice.

I think this character is a kid so he is smaller...LUKE? OR  I have no idea who he is!

Light sabres do not feature yet in my rules... Maybe something to add. I recognise Darth Vader but not the others. Since the one with the teddy bears in it I have not kept up with SW.

What the thing on the left is, I do not know but it is relatively useless. The Skywalker figure will make a great 'pawn' figure to be rescued or escorted. One man with binoculars is acceptable but 3 in the same pack seems like carelessness! He is a nice figure, maybe using a Biosonsor but difficult to convert. Maybe cut him off at the chest and put him into a vehicle hatch ? The last man is excellent. easily converted to a flame-thrower or used as he is for SW. I'll just have to research what his weapon is.

Pilots. Very nice ones. Baddies in black, I presume, and goodies in orange. Both lovely figures. Bending the arms will give actively shooting figures.

The droid is a bit static but what else could one do ? Nice sculpt anyway. I have visions of putting a light inside it !! The running pilot is a tour-de-force. Great action pose. Slightly spastic but perfect for chaos in a -Duck! game. Nice blaster.

Extra baddie pilots but also showing these light-armed troopers. Nice for Verminators or as part of SW -Duck!

Again, I am at a loss as to who these are supposed to be, but they are nice sculpts. The woman is a great pose for hectic combat. The purple monster is useable as something but I do not know what. Droid mark 2 is also nice. Maybe a mobile dustbin?

And then there must be the cannon-fodder / Imperial Stormtroopers. Very nice figures. Shooting or ready-to-shoot. Elegant figures. 

Here is the hardware. A nice selection of fighters to make my own version of X-Wing, suitable for grandchildren and the hard-of-learning to play.

The ships come with static stands and pull-back and go bases .

There you have it. A lot of very nice figures and stuff to conjure with.

I think a SW version of -Duck! will be fun to do and if I use these figures in the Deep Freight Galaxy there are plenty of possibilities. A team armed just with hand-blasters would be fun to throw into an infested space-hulk!  Or the individual figures make for some nice customised YOU figures.

The quality of these figures is top-notch. They can be expensive but look on ebay and for bargains on Amazon. You could make an entire -DUCK! universe with these figures.

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