Although, so far, they have not sent any troops, weapons or chemicals......
shumaila kommenterede "TRUCK AND COMTRAC"
Green Care kommenterede "THE SHIPS"
nada.mixseogy kommenterede "DEVELOPMENTS"
Amany Said kommenterede "DEEP SPACE PEST CONTROL" space everyone hears you screaming over your helmet mic.................................................. Consider your colleagues and MUTE output when you are in a tight spot.
Although, so far, they have not sent any troops, weapons or chemicals......
shumaila kommenterede "TRUCK AND COMTRAC"
Green Care kommenterede "THE SHIPS"
nada.mixseogy kommenterede "DEVELOPMENTS"
Amany Said kommenterede "DEEP SPACE PEST CONTROL"
Getting sorted out for the turn, it may be commented that Trotsky's binge has dropped to 3 due to the proximity of Harpies. Higgins is also down to 3. The team cannot afford to drag -out the clearing of this module.
TEQUILA : sidesteps left and shoots the Harpy still threatening Snitmeister and Chang. A hasty and rubbish shot, which simply recoils the monster back off the cargo element and out of sight.
YOU : is blocked by the jam of Verms and is reduced to WAITing where he is.
KONGO's shotgun is rather inappropriate for shooting the Harpy off Trotsky and he also must stand ready awaiting developments.
SNITMEISTER : stands and advances to free-up the logjam a little.
PETTYBONE : decides to help his comrade struggling with the attacking threat. He swaps to his pistol...or at least, he would have.. A 6 indicates he fumbles the operation and thus needs his second action to complete the process. He will not get to help Trotsky this turn!!!!!
CHANG stood up and lobbed a grenade over the Loader Suit to hopefully damage the Harpies skulking that way. His skill with the launcher ensured a good hit. One Harpy collapsed, shredded by grenade fragments but the other escaped unscathed.
Chang was quietly pleased as he deployed a newly-made grenade marker against the Harpies |
Now it was time to see how TROTSKY was faring in his life and death grapple. He was now on 4 dice with +2s against the wounded Harpy's two dice. His blood being up and now armed with his cutlass Trotsky, literally, made mincemeat of the alien. 3 sixes from him and the alien throwing minimum saw the dark shiny form slide to the deck gushing green blood from numerous deep slashes that almost severed its head.
Trotsky worried there was no room left for hit markers as he slashed the Harpy to bits.. |
Gold Star for Trotsky! Immediately raising his binge 1 point. Still shaking somewaht, Trotsky holstered his cutlass and took up his HAR again.
It only remained for HIGGINS to now step forward and hose-down the skulking wounded Harpy with HEMG shells. The creature's component skeletal elements parted company with a disgusting slopping sound.
There was still fight in the Harpies and the unwounded one threw a maximum move and attacked SNITMEISTER up on his cargo element. The Verminator had no option but to !DUCK again, and trust to YOU's accuracy with his pistol to repel his assailant. Blam! YOU snapped off a Hasty shot as the Harpy clambered onto the prone SNITMEISTER, with evil intent. The heavy slug smashed into the Harpy's skull and a crack opened, leaking goo. The creature fell back away from his prey.
'Leave him alone, Biyatch!' screamed YOU as he blew the Harpy back off his co-worker |
The Verms were now just left with the mopping-up and still no casualties had been taken despite several scrapes.
Fewer Harpies. Everything calming down.. |
Verminator Team Ajax - it cleans as it sweeps as it Verminates! Ready to enter Cargo Lock.
As the door opens, the Biosensor sweeps and detects that the infestation level on the ships generally is 'HEAVING' i.e. high.
All Verms make a test and lose 1 BINGE if they fail a FUMBLE roll.
YOU, TEQUILA AND PETTYBONE get an attack of the willies but everyone else is ok.. ATTACK!
Then we work through the Activation pile. This is good for forcing the action when solo playing. No decisions as to who acts..just take it in sequence.
TEQUILA: on the door control. No LOS. Dumps an action and goes onto WAIT.
YOU : Ditto - the hand blaster is OK to stop a rush if it happens...
TROTSKY : HAR shot at the Harpy on a stack of stuff. He has no other good angles and doesnt want to wreck cargo with a grenade so early in the mission.. His shot richocheted off the Harpy knocking it off the cargo but not doing any damage. He reserved his second action to repel any rush.
KONGO : th einitial deployment squeezed Kongo to tightly to make good use of his shotgun. He decided to be bold and clear one of the side corners. He stepped forward then blasted the Harpy to his left. This blasted the the creature into the bulkhead, wounding it. He then !DUCKed to let others cover him..hopefully. Being first to enter th emodule, AND having to stand adjacent to a Threat meant Kongo lost two BINGE points.
SNITMEISTER : was also crowded out by the poor initial deployment. He dumped an action and went onto WAIT.
PETTYBONE : Now belched flame onto the Harpy to the team's front.
The Harpy was crippled and remained writhing in the flames. Pettybone fired a single squirt to the right, boxing the Harpies there in from rushing the team.
CHANG : Now let rip over the prone form of Kongo with his HAR. The first round wounded and the second merely grazed. But the harpy was turned to the bulkhead, and was wounded makin git unlikely to attack next turn.
HIGGINS was now ready with his weighty HEMG. He pumped 3 round sinto a Harpy on the right. and reserved his second burst. The first was deadly, scoring 3 wounds and deceasing the target.
The team had now let rip with their first volley and, as the smoke cleareda little, the Harpies screeched and chattered into action.
They mostly ran to attacks materialised.
The initial entry had thus bagged two Harpies and forced most of the others back.
THREAT TURN : Nothing except milling arond..
Harpies pushed back. Entry going well. |
HIGGINS : Strides purposefully through the door and blasts to the right. No kills! one Harpy is forced back, another slamme dinto the bulkhead and drips blood.
TROTSKY: Steps up beside Higgins and blasts the wounded Harpy at close range, riddling it but failing to finish it off.
CHANG : continued the advance and leapt onto a cargo box to shoot over the flames at the hiding Harpy near Higgins. The Harpy was driven-off, unwounded.
SNITMEISTER : Joins Chang on the box then pops a grenade into the corner unseen to attack the cluster of hiding Harpies. Scoring no wounds !
PETTYBONE: Advances and waits in front of the fire he sprayed last turn.
Things are getting cramped, the others dump an action and WAIT with weapons poised.
Now the Harpies try to counter-attack. The grenaded group rush forward over the cargo but Snitmeister and Chang throw themselves flat( !DUCK) and this allows YOU and TEQUILA to blast the Harpies before they get their claws into any Verminator. 1 dead, two blasted back.
Tequila blasts over his fellow !DUCKed Verms |
Now one of those tricky situations happens which is typical when too many Verminators are too aggressive. The right-hand group of Harpies advances and one jumps at HIGGINS - normally, he would !DUCK and PETTYBONE could flame over him to fight-off the attack. This Harpy, however, sneaks along beside a cargo element and because HIGGINS is immediately adjacent PETTYBONE cannot shoot before the threat is on top of the HEMG gunner.
The second Harpy from the same group manages to jump on TROTSKY by the same route. Again TROTSKY is unsupported and cannot !DUCK. The last Harpy has 4 wounds and can barely hobble in the direction of the Verms.
HIGGINS tries to ditch the HEMG and get his pistol out but he FAILS HIS FUMBLE! This means he has 1 less dice in the grapple. The Harpy has one wound so it is 3 dice versus 2 for the human.
An HEMG is not the best close combat weapon... |
Harpies all around. Trotsky reaches for his cutlass. |
TROTSKY has +2 grapple, he is a monster in a fight! He tries to draw his cutlass instead of his HAR but his FUMBLE IS 4! oh the horror! the dice rattles down the dice-tower and comes up......2!!!!!
The Verm's guardian angel shoves Trotsky's dice to 2! |
HOUSEKEEPING sees no important actions..
End Turn 2 : Messy ! But no men down or wounded. |
A LOT FOR TWO TURNS... Let's find a titanium mug of Plutonian Koffee!
Setting-up for the Big One. The Mission Card drawn is 'retrieve Survivor or stow-away dead or alive'.
Maybe a second pass by another team will aim to wipe out the pests present but our aim is just to get the unfortunate Survivor off the ship.
The Risk Assessment form is filled-out with Harpies as our main enemy, but we do not know how many until we make contact.
Secondary infestations are not known either but we know they are at low level.
We do know we have Competitors, though. The Comptrollers are after the team with some requirement to enforce medical regulations.
The cargo bays are populated with cargo items and each one has an Inventory Marker.
Cargo central including Handler Truck |
One bay is Foodstuff, one bay is Hazardous loads, one bay is Gear. Then we have mixed loads in Cargo Central and the Cargo Lock.
The mission is not part of a career campaign so the team's physical and technical attributes are dealt out at random.
Pettibone is strong so he gets the Flamer. Higgins is a dead-shot so he gets the HEMG.
YOU carries the Firebomb and the Biosensor.
The team will enter the Cargo Lock and head for the Bridge, with the hope there is some indication there on where the Survivor is.
If not, then they will sweep the ship on the way back to the Cargo Lock.
This kind of mission can be over quickly or end up as a pitched battle against every Threat on the ship!
Grenades need a BANG marker. I have flame markers made of scrap mat foam and I have been using flat grenade explosion markers. I want some 3d BANG markers now.
Holy crap! You want us to use those INSIDE a spaceship? |
I go with using rubbish again despite seeing some very fine vids on the Tube. This trend to use LED tea lamps is a bit ..doll's housey for me. I need a marker not a simulation.
Reduce global warming,Do'nt use electric grenades! |
Various rubbish is deployed... polystyrene...
fluffy stuffing and bits of sprue....
Cut-offs of foam mats....
Too much effort with polystyrene and stuffing to produce something which is not very tough. I am sure I could make them look very nice but they dont fit the trend of my building.
So foam versions of Sonic the Hedgehog are the adopted type.....under-weighted with a coin.
Mark I Mark II Mark III - bingo! |
Cheapnis is my weaknis. The Aldi skellingtons got a coat of paint and varnish which transformed them to the victims of interstellar plague.
All was quiet on the Space Freighter 'Xerxes' |
Ensign Smith shouldn't have had that dodgy curry on Kamshattar 19 |