Wednesday, 19 June 2019

New Pest

A nice shiny new pest !. One that comes in nice bright colours - may not need painting.
I got them for a song on ebay - Chink, of course. Amazing they can be made and sent across the galaxy for so little. Environmental considerations are for naught in the global economy.

Anyway..what're they like ?

Lovely jelly-like plastic gives the soft parts a nice glow. The base is of cast resin. The size is perfect for my scale..a tad under 6cm per square on the ships. Suitably fearsome for a Verminator to tackle.

I think I will detach all the soft corals/squirts and fit hard pegs so they can be added and removed from the base.

The tubeworms look nice and exotic. Capable of having a Verm's head off, no doubt!
Multibrachia galactica pestiferentia : Galactic Tubeworm

This alien will turn up as a secondary contamination on some ships.

The animal is an individual with several multi-armed heads which have a neck protected by a chitinous tube.

They spread by spores being introduced into the ship. The immature individuals will detach and ooze along the deck until they find a place to attach that seems to offer a supply of food. In the mobile state they are insignificant blobs of jelly.

When the individual is ready to die it detaches any remaining immatures and explodes in a storm of spores if a reasonable-sized organism is nearby. They can live up to several centuries but feed only 5 times before they want to sporificate and die.

The base is a protective mass of metallic and organic encrustation which hides and protects the nervous system.

The animal is immobile in the adult form.It captures organisms and waits for them to rot and provide nutrients to the roots in the base.

3 heads protect up to 9 immature individuals which have no offensive capability.

Dice for 3+D6 immatures on the base.

When approached ... first dice if the animal is ready to sporificate. A 6 means it will do so when any pest or Verm comes within 2 squares. A 5 means it has a rotting prey on the base and will not attack. But anytime a pest or verm is within 2 it must make a sporification test.

A sporification storm covers all squares within 2 of the animal's base. All individuals become clogged with adhesive spores that have the effect of a wound. They can be removed by TREATMENT in a sickbay or use of a REGEN KIT. Or 6 turns of use of a cutlass by a helpful colleague (if one can be found willing to hang around in the same place so long on a drifter!).

The Galactic Tubeworm strikes at anything which moves in adjacent squares. It can reach up to intermediate height.
It only has 1 D6 grapple dice but 6 always hits. If a head is hit it retracts and will not attack next round.
A hit means that the mouth and tentacles are locked onto the target which is instantly dragged onto the tubeworm's base.
Then the immature individuals strike also with a 6 needed to hit. Hits from immatures just mean another adhesion to the animal which must be broken to escape.

Adhesion can be broken by a successful attack with a cutlass. The adult worms are tougher and count as armoured.

Enough natural history..I must get them ready and used in a game..

(Find them on ebay under 'resin artificial coral fake aquarium'.  Other tubeworms are available.)

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